What does “Cis” or “Cisgender” mean?

male and female signage on wall

There are many terms that come up when discussing gender and you may hear words that begin with “cis”.

A cis person is someone whose current gender identity matches that of their biological sex, or the gender that they were assigned at birth. As an example, a cisgender woman is a person who is biologically female and identifies as a woman. Someone who is cis or cisgender is someone who has a gender ID – rather than someone who doesn’t have a standard gender ID, like someone who is non-binary, agender or genderqueer.

What does Cisnormative mean?

Cisnormative is one such word and its meaning is simply the typical or expected behaviour from a particular gender role: at its simplest the binary of Man and Woman.

So as an example, if you’re born male, grow up and are treated as a male, it might be considered cisnormative for him to play with toy soldiers, like football or have his bedroom colour blue.

In the same way, it would be considered cisnormative for a girl to grow up liking and dressing in pink and playing with dolls.

A person living a cisnormative life is a cisgender person who dresses and acts in a way that might be described as typical for their gender and biological sex.

Many of these choices are actually impacts by parental decisions rather than a child’s actual wishes. This was proven in a recent BBC two documentary called Gender Free.

Does cis or cisgender have a flag?

Do cisgender people have a pride flag?
Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Yes, in fact cisgender people do have a flag. It is a simple two horizontal stripe flag consisting of a pink strip representing femininity, women and females and blue, which represents masculinity, men and males. Some instances of the cisgender flag have a white heart shape in the middle, with the two stripes running vertically.

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