Is there a trigender day of visibility?

If you’re wondering if there’s a day of visibility for people who identify as trigender read on.

As it stands there is no current day of visibility for people who identify as trigender. So, you know how some folks feel like they fit into more than one gender category? Well, trigender people get where they’re coming from because they actually identify with three different genders all at once. It’s like having a mix of transgender, non-binary, or other gender experiences all rolled into one. And the cool thing is, it’s totally okay for their gender identity to shift over time. They might feel trigender at certain times and maybe not so much at other times. Life’s a journey, right? And for trigender people, their gender identity is part of that adventure.

The trigender flag

So, what day could we celebrate trigender identities? Well, the closest so far is probably the Non-Binary day of visibility – as the gender identity of trigender is definitely not in the binary – however it is still distinct from Enby identities.

When a day becomes acknowledged we’ll definitely update this page.

NON-BINARY 101: Why, who and what is Non-Binary?

Hey there! It’s awesome that you’re curious about non-binary identities. Let’s dive in!

So, what does “non-binary” mean?

What does Non-Binary mean?
Photo by SLAYTINA on

Well, think of it as a way people describe their gender identity when they don’t feel like they fit neatly into the categories of “man” or “woman.” Basically, it’s like saying, “Hey, I’m not just one or the other.”

Now, being non-binary can look different for everyone. Some folks might feel a mix of masculine and feminine, some might lean more towards one side, or some might feel like they’re outside of those labels altogether.

And did you know? While “non-binary” is its own thing, it’s also an umbrella term. That means it covers a bunch of other gender identities too. It’s like a big, inclusive family!

Okay, next up: where did the term “non-binary” come from?

It’s pretty cool! The name is actually a combination of “non-” (meaning “not” or “lack of”) and “binary” (meaning “consisting of two”). So when you put them together, you’ve got “not consisting of two.” Makes sense, right? It’s all about breaking free from those rigid gender categories.

What does ENBY mean?

Oh, and here’s a fun fact: there’s this alternative name, “enby,” which comes from how you say the abbreviation “NB.” It’s like a cool nickname for non-binary folks.

Now, let’s talk about if there’s a special day, week, or month for non-binary folks.

You bet there is! It’s called International Non-Binary People’s Day, and it’s celebrated every July 14th. Why that date? Well, it’s right between International Women’s Day and International Men’s Day, showing that there’s more to gender than just two categories.

But wait, there’s more! The whole week surrounding July 14th is known as Non-Binary Awareness Week. It’s a time for celebrating non-binary people, spreading awareness, and being awesome allies.

Lastly, what’s the deal with the non-binary flag?

It’s pretty rad! The flag has four horizontal stripes, each with its own meaning. Yellow stands for folks whose gender exists completely outside the traditional binary. Purple is for those who relate to the binary but feel somewhere in between. White represents multigender people, and black is for those who are agender.

So there you have it—non-binary identities and celebrations in a nutshell. Ready to be an awesome ally? Check out how you can support non-binary folks and be a part of the inclusive community!

What is the bisexual flag and when was it created?

When was the bisexual flag created?

A view of the bisexual flag

The bisexual flag is a symbol representing bisexuality and the bisexual community. It was created in 1998 by Michael Page to give bisexual individuals a distinct symbol to identify with and to raise awareness and visibility of bisexuality within the LGBTQ+ community.

How many stripes does the bisexual flag have?

The bisexual pride flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width.

What do the stripes mean in the bisexual flag?

The flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top stripe is coloured pink, representing attraction to the same gender (homosexuality), while the bottom stripe is coloured blue, representing attraction to the opposite gender (heterosexuality). The middle stripe is coloured purple, which symbolizes a blend of both genders, and thus represents bisexuality.

The flag’s design and colors are meant to reflect the diverse spectrum of attraction experienced by bisexual individuals, acknowledging their capacity for attraction to more than one gender. Since its creation, the bisexual pride flag has become widely recognized and used as a symbol of bisexuality, appearing in LGBTQ+ pride events, demonstrations, and various forms of media around the world. It serves as a source of solidarity and pride for bisexual individuals and helps foster greater visibility and understanding of bisexuality within society.

What are the CMYK codes for the Bisexual flag?

The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) colour model is often used for printing purposes. The CMYK codes for the bisexual pride flag colours are as follows:

  1. Pink:
    • C: 0%
    • M: 57%
    • Y: 22%
    • K: 0%
  2. Purple:
    • C: 71%
    • M: 100%
    • Y: 0%
    • K: 0%
  3. Blue:
    • C: 100%
    • M: 73%
    • Y: 0%
    • K: 0%

These CMYK values should help in accurately reproducing the bisexual pride flag colors in printed materials.

What are the RGB colour codes for the bisexual flag?

The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model is commonly used for digital displays. The RGB codes for the bisexual pride flag colors are as follows:

  1. Pink:
    • R: 255
    • G: 128
    • B: 192
  2. Purple:
    • R: 128
    • G: 0
    • B: 128
  3. Blue:
    • R: 0
    • G: 0
    • B: 255

These RGB values should help in accurately reproducing the bisexual pride flag colors on digital screens and in digital design software.

Who was Michael Page the creator of the bisexual flag?

Michael Page, also known as “BiMagical,” is the creator of the bisexual pride flag. He designed the flag in 1998 to provide a symbol specifically for the bisexual community, aiming to increase visibility and recognition for bisexual individuals within the broader LGBTQ+ community.

While not as widely known as some other LGBTQ+ activists, Page’s creation of the bisexual pride flag has had a significant impact on bisexual representation and visibility worldwide.

What is ambrosexual?

As far as we know there’s no such sexuality as ambrosexual, however, you might be looking for abrosexuality, which is defined as a person whose sexual identity is fluid or ever-changing. An abrosexual is someone who can change from the various states of sexuality from homosexual to bisexual to even asexuality.

However interestingly we at THE PRIDE SHOP get many searches for the term Ambrosexual, so we thought we’d take a look at what ambrosexuality might be like.

Ambro is a shortened form of “Ambrosia,” which in Greek mythology, was the food or drink of the gods, conferring immortality upon whoever consumed it.

Creating a concept of “sexuality-based Ambrosia” is an imaginative exercise, given that Ambrosia traditionally refers to the food or drink of the gods in Greek mythology. However, if we were to extrapolate the idea into a modern context, we could envision it metaphorically as something deeply fulfilling and transcendent within the realm of human sexuality.

Here’s a speculative interpretation:

  1. Empowerment and Liberation: Sexuality-based Ambrosia could symbolize a state of profound empowerment and liberation in one’s sexual identity and expression. It might represent a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, where individuals embrace their desires and preferences without shame or inhibition.
  2. Connection and Intimacy: This Ambrosia could emphasize the transformative power of intimate connections, fostering deep emotional bonds and mutual understanding between partners. It might represent moments of profound intimacy and vulnerability, where individuals feel truly seen and accepted by their partners.
  3. Exploration and Diversity: Sexuality-based Ambrosia could celebrate the diversity and complexity of human sexuality. It might encourage exploration and experimentation, embracing the full spectrum of desires and orientations without judgment or limitation.
  4. Joy and Fulfillment: Just as traditional Ambrosia was said to bestow immortality and bliss upon the gods, sexuality-based Ambrosia could symbolize moments of profound joy and fulfillment in sexual experiences. It might represent the euphoria and ecstasy that can accompany deeply fulfilling encounters with a partner or within oneself.
  5. Healing and Growth: In addition to pleasure, sexuality-based Ambrosia could also signify healing and growth. It might represent the transformative potential of sexual experiences to heal past wounds, overcome insecurities, and foster personal growth and development.

Overall, while the concept of “sexuality-based Ambrosia” is metaphorical and speculative, it serves as a symbol of the profound significance of sexuality in human experience, encompassing themes of empowerment, connection, exploration, joy, and healing.

Some flag ideas for ambrosexual

In terms of a flag design, we’d suggest Red and Green to represent food and Yellow and Purple to represent drink (wine and water)

Why do we use howlite beads?

The incredibly healing and calming powers of Howlite Beads.

We make several LGBTQ+ products including necklaces and bracelets which use howlite beads and there’s good reason to. Not only are they a naturally occurring material – so no plastics, they look incredible, but they also have healing and calming properties for those who wear howlite.

Howlite, a borate mineral, is renowned for its milky white appearance streaked with dark veins, symbolizing qualities of patience and perspective.

Healing Attributes: Functioning as a calming agent, Howlite pacifies the body, mind, and soul, fostering wisdom, heightening awareness, and fostering clarity of vision.

Protective Qualities: Howlite serves as an adept cleanser of negative energies, absorbing detrimental vibes and facilitating a connection with higher planes of existence. Additionally, it aids in emotional stability and stress alleviation.

Application: Howlite can be utilized as jewellery, strategically placed within living or workspaces to purify the environment and facilitate communication, or discreetly positioned beneath a pillow to encourage peaceful sleep.

Maintenance: To preserve its efficacy, Howlite should undergo cleansing by either rinsing under flowing water or immersing in a bowl of brown rice. Furthermore, it can be recharged through exposure to moonlight.

What do the colours of the LGBTQ+ Pride Rainbow flag MEAN?

The LGBT rainbow flag, often referred to as the pride flag, is a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community’s diversity, unity, and pride.

What do the colours of the rainbow flag mean?
Rainbow flag by Markus Spiske is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Colours of the rainbow flag

When it was designed by Gilbert Baker back in 1978 each colour on the rainbow flag held a symbolic meaning:

Red: Represents life. It signifies the bloodshed in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights and the vitality of the LGBTQ+ community.
Orange: Symbolizes healing. It reflects the ongoing process of healing from past traumas and the commitment to support one another within the community.
Yellow: Stands for sunlight. It represents the warmth and light of the sun, signifying hope and positivity for the future.
Green: Represents nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, and the natural beauty of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Blue: Symbolizes serenity. It represents peace and harmony, as well as the fluidity and diversity of gender and sexual identities.
Purple: Stands for spirit. It represents the spirit of the LGBTQ+ community, including the resilience, courage, and solidarity of its members.

The original pride flag originally had 8 stripes in it instead of 6 and the two colours that were eventually dropped were Hot Pink and Cyan. To read about the story of the Pride flag and why it came to exist read about it at THEGAYUK.

When is the first pride of April?

Excitement is building for Pride 2024, with over 180 pride events listed for the UK in 2024 we look ahead to the different Pride events that are happening in April 2024.

Although April isn’t when the first pride of the year took place, it’s definitely when Pride events start kicking off for the year. The busiest month for events is, of course, June, which is the official Pride Month in the UK.

Which Prides are happening in April?

Currently, there are three pride events planned for Pride in April 2024 and they include, Falmouth, Banchory and Stonehaven.

More Prides in the UK than ever

According to THEGAYUK’s editor and chief, Jake Hook “Pride 2024 looks to be the best on record with more pride events being added to the calendar all the time. There’s truly an event near every LGBTQ+ person in the UK. It’s wonderful to see so many community members banding together, working with local businesses and council to create new events – like Skegness for instance!”

Both Banchory and Stonehaven are in Scotland, while Falmouth Pride is in Cornwall.

Pride calendar and dates 2024

You can find the UK’s official list of pride events right here on THE PRIDE SHOP.

What do the colours of the transgender flag mean?

The transgender flag, designed by Monica Helms in 1999, consists of five horizontal stripes. Each colour holds its own significance, representing different aspects of the transgender community and experience. Here’s what the colours of the transgender flag symbolize:

What do the transgender flag colours mean?

  1. Light Blue: The light blue stripe represents the traditional color associated with baby boys. It symbolizes the traditional color assigned to boys at birth and represents the acceptance of those born as male but identify as female, or those who are transitioning from male to female.
  2. Pink: The pink stripe represents the traditional color associated with baby girls. It symbolizes the traditional color assigned to girls at birth and represents the acceptance of those born as female but identify as male, or those who are transitioning from female to male.
  3. White: The white stripe represents those who are intersex, transitioning, or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender. It symbolizes the diversity of gender identities beyond the traditional binary categories of male and female.

Speaking about the design of the flag to, Helms said that she purposefully designed the flag so that regardless of how it’s held, it looks the same.

“The pattern is such that no matter which way you fly it, it will always be correct,” Helms explained. “This symbolizes us trying to find correctness in our own lives.”

When was the transgender flag introduced?

The transgender flag was introduced by Monica Helms in 1999. Monica Helms, a transgender woman and activist, designed the flag to serve as a symbol of pride and visibility for the transgender community. Since its introduction, the flag has become widely recognized and used as a representation of transgender identities and experiences.

Who is Monica Helms?

Monica Helms is a transgender activist and Navy veteran who is best known for creating the transgender pride flag in 1999. Born on June 8, 1951, in Sumter, South Carolina, Helms served in the United States Navy for eight years, during which time she came to terms with her gender identity.

After leaving the military, Helms became actively involved in transgender advocacy and visibility efforts. She conceived the idea of the transgender pride flag while serving on the board of directors for the Atlanta Gender Explorations Support group. The flag was designed to provide a symbol of unity and pride for the transgender community, akin to other LGBTQ+ pride flags.

Helms has been a prominent figure in transgender activism, working to raise awareness about transgender issues, advocate for transgender rights, and promote acceptance and understanding of transgender individuals. Her creation of the transgender pride flag has had a significant impact on the visibility and recognition of transgender identities worldwide.

The transgender flag serves as a symbol of pride, visibility, and solidarity for transgender individuals, as well as a representation of the broader transgender community’s experiences and struggles.

Where can I buy Transgender Flag merchandise?

What is DeadGendering? Offensiveness and Impact on people

What is deadgendering?

Deadgendering occurs when an individual is referred to using incorrect gender pronouns or in relation to a past gender identity they have explicitly disavowed. This phenomenon closely resembles deadnaming, but instead of referencing the individual’s previous name, it specifically involves alluding to their former gender identity.

Misgendering, a related concept, transpires when someone improperly addresses a trans person by using gender pronouns inconsistent with their affirmed gender identity. Examples include referring to a trans woman as “he” or using masculine pronouns like “him” or “his,” or referring to a trans man as “she” or using feminine pronouns like “her.”

Additionally, designating someone as assigned female at birth (AFAB) or assigned male at birth (AMAB) can also be construed as a manifestation of deadgendering, as it implies an adherence to their initial assigned gender rather than recognizing their present identity.

Is deadgendering offensive?

the impact of deadgendering can be deep and deeply hurtful
Photo by Keenan Constance on

The act of misgendering or refering to someone by their dead gender can be deeply offensive, particularly when done deliberately or with malicious intent. Mistakes can also occur due to uncertainty about an individual’s comfort level regarding the disclosure of their previous gender identity. To navigate this sensitively, it is advisable to communicate openly with the person involved, asking them about their preferences and allowing them the agency to discuss their identity on their terms.

The impacts of Deadgendering on someone

The impact of referring to someone in their deadgender can be profound and multifaceted, affecting their emotional well-being, mental health, and overall sense of identity. Here are several key aspects of the impact:

  1. Emotional Distress: Referring to someone in their deadgendercan cause significant emotional distress for individuals, as it invalidates their affirmed gender identity. Being consistently misgendered may lead to feelings of frustration, sadness, or anger, impacting one’s mental and emotional state.
  2. Mental Health Consequences: Persistent deadgendering can contribute to mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. It creates an environment where individuals may constantly battle against the erasure of their true identity.
  3. Undermining Self-Identity: Deadgendering undermines an individual’s self-identity by disregarding their expressed gender. This can lead to a sense of alienation and make it challenging for them to establish a genuine connection with their own identity.
  4. Social Isolation: Individuals who experience the wrong gender reference may withdraw from social interactions to avoid the distress associated with being consistently misgendered. This can result in feelings of isolation and a strained sense of belonging.
  5. Impact on Relationships: Misgendering can strain relationships, both personal and professional. When others consistently use incorrect gender pronouns, it may create tension and hinder effective communication, potentially leading to strained connections.
  6. Negative Impact on Mental Resilience: Constant deadgendering can erode an individual’s mental resilience over time. The cumulative effect of enduring such experiences may make it harder for them to cope with future challenges.
  7. Potential Physical Consequences: In extreme cases, the stress and emotional toll of deadgendering may contribute to physical health issues. Chronic stress has been linked to various health problems, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being.

Who can be a victim of deadgendering?

Deadgendering can potentially affect individuals who are transgender, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming. In general, anyone whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them at birth may be susceptible to deadgendering. Here are some categories of individuals who might experience Misgendering:

  1. Transgender Individuals: Those whose gender identity does not align with the sex assigned to them at birth may face deadgendering. For example, a trans woman may be deadgendered when referred to with male pronouns or associated with her previous male identity.
  2. Nonbinary Individuals: People who identify outside the traditional binary of male or female may experience deadgendering. Using binary pronouns (he/she) or assuming a specific gender identity for a nonbinary person can be a form of deadgendering.
  3. Gender Non-Conforming Individuals: Individuals whose gender expression does not conform to societal expectations or norms may also be subjected to misgendering. This can include people who challenge traditional gender roles or expressions.
  4. Those who have Transitioned: Individuals who have undergone a gender transition may be deadgendered if others continue to use language or references associated with their pre-transition gender identity.
  5. Individuals Who Have Changed Their Gender Identity: People who have changed their gender identity and publicly denounced their previous identity may experience deadgendering if others persist in referring to them using their old gender identity.

It’s essential to approach these matters with respect and understanding, recognizing that individuals may have unique experiences and feelings about their gender identity. This conversation is an ongoing and evolving one, and by engaging in open dialogue, we can contribute to fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. For further exploration of LGBTQ+ terminology, check out our BIG LGBTQ+ GLOSSARY

9 fab Ideas for perfect asexual gifts

Choosing a present for your asexual family member, friend or loved one might seem to be a tricky task, but we’ve come up with some ideas to help you find perfect asexual gifts for an asexual pal.

  1. Asexuality Pride Merchandise: Show your support with a range of asexuality pride items, such as T-shirts, hoodies, or tote bags featuring the asexual flag or related symbols.
  2. Customized Jewelry: Consider personalized jewellery, like a beaded bracelet, necklace, earrings or even a ring with discreet asexuality pride symbols or ones that use the colours of the asexual flag to wear as a subtle but meaningful accessory.
  3. Books and Literature: Gift a book that explores asexuality or features a protagonist who identifies as asexual. This could include fiction, non-fiction, or educational resources.
  4. Comfortable Clothing: Opt for cosy and comfortable clothing items, like a soft hoodie or pyjamas, with a simple yet stylish design that reflects asexuality pride.
  5. Subscription to Asexuality-Inclusive Media: Provide access to streaming services, like Netflix, NowTV or Paramount that offer a variety of movies and TV shows with asexuality representation to promote inclusivity. Netflix recently introduced an asexual character to its Sex Education show…
  6. Aromantic/Asexual Flag Merchandise: Explore items adorned with the colours of the asexual flags, such as mugs, posters, or phone cases, for a subtle yet affirming touch.
  7. Asexuality Pride Artwork: Commission or purchase artwork that celebrates asexuality, whether it’s a custom piece or a print of existing art that resonates with the individual.
  8. Self-Care and Relaxation Gifts: Pamper them with self-care items like scented candles, manicure sets, bath bombs, or even a gift box for your favourite ace pal.
  9. Asexuality-Inclusive Games or Puzzles: Select games or puzzles that are inclusive and diverse, providing entertainment that reflects and respects different identities, including asexuality.
  10. Personalized Gifts: Create a personalized item, such as a custom mug, with a special message or design that acknowledges and celebrates their asexuality. We’ve also come up with some unique asexual gift ideas.

Remember to consider the individual’s preferences and interests when choosing a gift, and the most important aspect is to show acceptance and understanding of their identity.

Some Asexual Gift Ideas