What is DeadGendering? Offensiveness and Impact on people

What is deadgendering?

Deadgendering occurs when an individual is referred to using incorrect gender pronouns or in relation to a past gender identity they have explicitly disavowed. This phenomenon closely resembles deadnaming, but instead of referencing the individual’s previous name, it specifically involves alluding to their former gender identity.

Misgendering, a related concept, transpires when someone improperly addresses a trans person by using gender pronouns inconsistent with their affirmed gender identity. Examples include referring to a trans woman as “he” or using masculine pronouns like “him” or “his,” or referring to a trans man as “she” or using feminine pronouns like “her.”

Additionally, designating someone as assigned female at birth (AFAB) or assigned male at birth (AMAB) can also be construed as a manifestation of deadgendering, as it implies an adherence to their initial assigned gender rather than recognizing their present identity.

Is deadgendering offensive?

the impact of deadgendering can be deep and deeply hurtful
Photo by Keenan Constance on Pexels.com

The act of misgendering or refering to someone by their dead gender can be deeply offensive, particularly when done deliberately or with malicious intent. Mistakes can also occur due to uncertainty about an individual’s comfort level regarding the disclosure of their previous gender identity. To navigate this sensitively, it is advisable to communicate openly with the person involved, asking them about their preferences and allowing them the agency to discuss their identity on their terms.

The impacts of Deadgendering on someone

The impact of referring to someone in their deadgender can be profound and multifaceted, affecting their emotional well-being, mental health, and overall sense of identity. Here are several key aspects of the impact:

  1. Emotional Distress: Referring to someone in their deadgendercan cause significant emotional distress for individuals, as it invalidates their affirmed gender identity. Being consistently misgendered may lead to feelings of frustration, sadness, or anger, impacting one’s mental and emotional state.
  2. Mental Health Consequences: Persistent deadgendering can contribute to mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. It creates an environment where individuals may constantly battle against the erasure of their true identity.
  3. Undermining Self-Identity: Deadgendering undermines an individual’s self-identity by disregarding their expressed gender. This can lead to a sense of alienation and make it challenging for them to establish a genuine connection with their own identity.
  4. Social Isolation: Individuals who experience the wrong gender reference may withdraw from social interactions to avoid the distress associated with being consistently misgendered. This can result in feelings of isolation and a strained sense of belonging.
  5. Impact on Relationships: Misgendering can strain relationships, both personal and professional. When others consistently use incorrect gender pronouns, it may create tension and hinder effective communication, potentially leading to strained connections.
  6. Negative Impact on Mental Resilience: Constant deadgendering can erode an individual’s mental resilience over time. The cumulative effect of enduring such experiences may make it harder for them to cope with future challenges.
  7. Potential Physical Consequences: In extreme cases, the stress and emotional toll of deadgendering may contribute to physical health issues. Chronic stress has been linked to various health problems, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being.

Who can be a victim of deadgendering?

Deadgendering can potentially affect individuals who are transgender, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming. In general, anyone whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them at birth may be susceptible to deadgendering. Here are some categories of individuals who might experience Misgendering:

  1. Transgender Individuals: Those whose gender identity does not align with the sex assigned to them at birth may face deadgendering. For example, a trans woman may be deadgendered when referred to with male pronouns or associated with her previous male identity.
  2. Nonbinary Individuals: People who identify outside the traditional binary of male or female may experience deadgendering. Using binary pronouns (he/she) or assuming a specific gender identity for a nonbinary person can be a form of deadgendering.
  3. Gender Non-Conforming Individuals: Individuals whose gender expression does not conform to societal expectations or norms may also be subjected to misgendering. This can include people who challenge traditional gender roles or expressions.
  4. Those who have Transitioned: Individuals who have undergone a gender transition may be deadgendered if others continue to use language or references associated with their pre-transition gender identity.
  5. Individuals Who Have Changed Their Gender Identity: People who have changed their gender identity and publicly denounced their previous identity may experience deadgendering if others persist in referring to them using their old gender identity.

It’s essential to approach these matters with respect and understanding, recognizing that individuals may have unique experiences and feelings about their gender identity. This conversation is an ongoing and evolving one, and by engaging in open dialogue, we can contribute to fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. For further exploration of LGBTQ+ terminology, check out our BIG LGBTQ+ GLOSSARY

Genderflux 101: What does it mean and who can be Genderflux?

It refers to a gender identity that fluctuates in intensity or strength over time. People who identify as genderflux may feel that their gender identity is partially or entirely unchanging, while other times it may fluctuate between feeling more masculine, feminine, or androgynous.

Genderflux individuals may feel that their gender identity is fluid or dynamic, with their gender identity being influenced by factors such as the time of day, their mood, or the people they are around. Some genderflux individuals may experience their gender identity as being different from one moment to the next, while others may experience more gradual shifts over a longer period of time.

It’s important to note that gender identity is a deeply personal experience, and everyone’s gender identity is unique. Genderflux is just one of many ways that people may experience their gender.

When did the term genderflux come about?

The term genderflux was first coined by a user on the website nonbinary.org in 2014. The term was created to describe a gender identity that fluctuates in intensity or strength over time, but is not necessarily fluid or completely changing. Since then, the term has gained more visibility and recognition within the non-binary and LGBTQ+ communities.

As with many terms related to gender and sexuality, the language used to describe these experiences is constantly evolving and expanding. While genderflux may be a relatively new term, the experiences it describes are not new, and there have likely been people throughout history who have experienced gender in a similar way. The creation and use of new terms like genderflux can help people better understand and articulate their own experiences, as well as create a sense of community and visibility for people who may feel isolated or misunderstood.

Is there a Genderflux Flag?

The genderflux flag

Yes, there is a Genderflux flag. The Genderflux flag was designed by Tumblr user JJ Poole in 2016. The flag features five horizontal stripes of different shades of pink, purple, blue, and gray. The shades of pink, purple, and blue represent femininity, masculinity, and androgyny, respectively, while the gray stripe represents the space between these gender identities.

The Genderflux flag is intended to symbolize the fluctuation of gender identity and the spectrum of gender experiences. The different shades of color represent the different points on this spectrum, while the gray stripe in the middle represents the space between these points. The flag is meant to be inclusive and representative of the diversity of gender experiences within the genderflux community.

It’s important to note that not all genderflux individuals use or identify with this particular flag, and there may be other symbols or representations that are meaningful to them. Gender identity is a deeply personal experience, and each individual may have their own unique way of expressing and identifying their gender.

Is Genderflux similar to Genderfluid?

Genderflux and Genderfluid are both gender identities that fall under the non-binary umbrella and involve a fluctuation or variability in gender identity. However, there are some differences between the two.

Genderfluid is a gender identity that refers to a gender that changes over time, often in response to different contexts or situations. For example, a genderfluid person may feel more masculine one day, more feminine the next, and somewhere in between on another day. The changes in gender identity can be gradual or sudden, and may occur multiple times within a day or over a longer period of time.

Genderflux, on the other hand, is a gender identity that refers to a gender that fluctuates in intensity or strength over time, but is not necessarily fluid or completely changing. Genderflux individuals may feel that their gender identity is partially or entirely unchanging, while other times it may fluctuate between feeling more masculine, feminine, or androgynous.

So, while both genderfluid and genderflux involve a fluctuation or variability in gender identity, the nature and extent of the changes are different. Genderfluid involves more frequent or sudden changes in gender identity, while genderflux involves a fluctuation in the intensity or strength of the gender identity.

Is Genderflux similar to Genderqueer?

Genderflux and genderqueer are both gender identities that fall under the non-binary umbrella, but they are not exactly the same.

Genderqueer is an umbrella term for gender identities that do not fit within the traditional binary categories of male and female. It can encompass a wide variety of gender identities, including those that are static, fluctuating, or undefined.

Genderflux, on the other hand, is a gender identity that specifically refers to a gender that fluctuates in intensity or strength over time. Genderflux individuals may feel that their gender identity is partially or entirely unchanging, while other times it may fluctuate between feeling more masculine, feminine, or androgynous.

While some genderqueer individuals may also identify as genderflux, not all genderflux individuals identify as genderqueer. Genderqueer can be seen as a broader term that encompasses a wide range of gender identities, while genderflux specifically refers to a gender identity that fluctuates in intensity or strength. Gender identity is a deeply personal experience, and each individual may have their own unique way of expressing and identifying their gender.